Monday, January 17, 2011

Yes we did it

Wing boss down, after few attempts on our second night, the two headed beast, Cho'gall eats dust.
Amazing job everyone, way to pull it together to put a great ending to our raid week ^^

also, gratz to sqishii and straye on their glory of cata dungeon mounts
keep it up everyone, lets continue to hf, laugh, and most of all kill more bosses ^^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

great news everyone, we did it!

Ascendant council down, was a learning process through each phases, but we stuck it through, great job everyone. Cho'gal, you are next !

Friday, January 7, 2011

great week of raiding, beasts down efficiently

Dedication definately paid off, 3 more bosses down and more to go ^^

tho put aside progression for a long time, the Valiona and Theralion aka double dragon boss down after very few attempts

Atramedes the blind dragon, not only grew up super fast but has one of the most interesting fight mechs in blackwing, but we managed to down him, big thanks to our resident gong midget Rruu amazing job!

First progression boss of the week, Chimaeron was a tough fight on the healers, esp to break the habit of topping ppl off, and after a spec change from failruu =P down he goes.

overall an amazing week, having a blast raiding with all u guys, thanks for all your time and hard work, keep it up, can i get it woot woot

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finally, Progress!!

can i just say woot! barely one week old, and we are on a  roll!! *throw ur hands up, well, maybe not  from the boss x.x

but at last, maloriak down, great job everyone, way to stick with it ^_^
on top of the bosses we down pior

welcome all, tis a new day

Time for a big change, just want to have fun being socialable, down some bosses, sans drama, well, you've come to the right place.  Bring your positive attutide, have a laugh, and enjoy time with friends.

Recuiting quality players thats up to the challenge , put up an app via forums (top left).

welcome you all, and lets rock